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Cavalor Nutri Grow


Mineral and vitamin mix for use in breeding and rearing
For diets with insufficient vitamins and minerals


Cavalor Nutri Grow contains all the vitamins and minerals that foals, young horses, and pregnant or lactating mares need for optimum development. Broodmares and horses that spend a lot of time on rich pastures during the growth phase get plenty of energy and protein.

Vitamins and minerals, however, are in short supply. Cavalor Nutri Grow is a balanced mix to supplement these deficiencies in young horses and mares from the 7th month of pregnancy onwards.


Responsible growth means steady growth without spurts or interruptions. Attention to steady growth is essential in a horse’s development from foetus to sport horse.

Unsteady growth spurts (too slow or too fast) are the biggest risk factors for developmental and orthopaedic disorders. Important minerals for muscle and bone development include Ca, P (ratio 1.4-2:1), Cu, Zn, Mg, and Mn.

Always provide sufficient high-quality roughage, preferably at pasture as much as possible. Exercise, after all, is necessary for healthy muscle and bone development.

Recommended feeding of Cavalor Nutri Grow: Foals and ponies: 100 g per day. Young horses: 150 g per day. Gestating and lactating mares: 200 g per day

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